Apache bug leads to websites dropping out of Yandex search
An Apache server bug caused HTTP/2 websites to drop out of the Yandex search engine. Here’s how to work around the bug to get your site back into the Yandex index.
An Apache server bug caused HTTP/2 websites to drop out of the Yandex search engine. Here’s how to work around the bug to get your site back into the Yandex index.
The tale of how I fought back against website content scrapers to protect my copyright. I returned auto-generated garbage content, and they gobbled it up.
A look into the different strengths and weaknesses of Canonical’s Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) vs Red Hat’s FirewallD firewall solutions for Linux.
A group review of the free tiers of the three uptime-monitoring services: Site24x7 vs StatusCake vs UptimeRobot.
My early-adopter experiences obtaining free HTTPS certificates from Let’s Encrypt.
of Microsoft Edge on Xbox One with Windows 10Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Xbox; Xbox One) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10553
Set up redirects from URLs with too many forward-slashes in the path to a normalized address with one slash. Helps fix problems with relative URL resolution.
How to make your website appear as a suggested search engine in Microsoft Edge using the OpenSearch auto-discovery protocol.
Humans mistype ww. or wwww. all the time. Set up a wild card domain to catch and redirect all these simple mistakes to not lose out on traffic.
to .html
Set up redirects from variations of .html to the canonical document location. Stop losing website traffic to simple-to-recover-from typos.
I’ve migrated all my websites to DigitalOcean and saved 85 % on hosting compared to my previous VPS provider.
Here’s how to make your website appear as a suggested search provider in Safari’s new Quick Website Search feature.