Apple News app getting its own User-Agent in iOS 10
Apple News app to stop pretending it’s the Safari browser. The new User-Agent makes it easier to measure success the App with existing web analytics solutions.
Apple News app to stop pretending it’s the Safari browser. The new User-Agent makes it easier to measure success the App with existing web analytics solutions.
A bug in the Apple News crawler caused it to get stuck in a loop sending 100+ requests/second to websites with HTTPS certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt.
An Apache server bug caused HTTP/2 websites to drop out of the Yandex search engine. Here’s how to work around the bug to get your site back into the Yandex index.
Protect your WordPress installation against malicious bots probing for known WordPress core and plugin security vulnerabilities.
403 Forbidden
requests with Fail2BanYou’ve already blocked access and return HTTP 403 Forbidden. Here’s how to make Fail2Ban block users and bots still hammering your server with repeated requests.
The tale of how I fought back against website content scrapers to protect my copyright. I returned auto-generated garbage content, and they gobbled it up.
I’ve developed an Android app to detect and troubleshoot HTTP proxy configuration issues. Android has no tools to detect or help fix such issues.
The EFF’s Privacy Badger extension auto-detects and blocks websites that track you across websites. It also breaks more websites the more you use it.
Debian will try to redirect you to the nearest mirror service. However, this can be detrimental to cache-hit ratios when running a local HTTP caching service.
Set up redirects from URLs with too many forward-slashes in the path to a normalized address with one slash. Helps fix problems with relative URL resolution.
The reading mode in your web browser is an alternate rendering mode not based on any standards. Web browser vendors can’t even agree on what URI schema to use.
The new Preloading feature in Internet Explorer 11 is designed to speed up your web browsing. It also transmits a lot of information to Microsoft.