A closer look at Steam’s local network cache proxying protocol
Valve Software has introduced a new automatic method for caching game downloads on a local proxy server without needing to reconfigure individual Steam clients.
Valve Software has introduced a new automatic method for caching game downloads on a local proxy server without needing to reconfigure individual Steam clients.
How can mass-copying pages from web publishers without a license not be mass-copyright infringement? The weird copyright law exemption that enables AMP Caches.
optionDon’t use Nginx’s merge_slashes option in your HTTP reverse caching proxy setup. Here’s an example of an unintended problem caused by blindly rewriting URLs.
moduleFive implementation problems and gotchas when using Apache’s HTTP caching module. Learn how to keep your HTTPD caching proxy server from messing up.
Compare three budget content delivery networks to find which one gets you the most bang for your bucks. Minimum pricing varies greatly.
?A quick review of which content delivery networks support RFC 5861’s Stale-While-Revalidate and Stale-If-Error caching directives.
support?Verify that your CDN or caching proxy supports RFC 5861 asynchronous cache revalidation through the stale-while-revalidate HTTP response directive.
An intermediary HTTP proxy-cache can interfere with how different devices detect whether they’ve got working internet access or not.
Is the Microsoft Network Speed Test or Ookla Speed Test the best bandwidth-measuring and network testing app for your Windows device?
header for origin and proxy in Apache mod_proxy
How to forward your front-end HTTP proxy server’s hostname (the HTTP Host request header) to your origin server using the Apache mod_proxy module.
Tips on how to tweak Fedora Linux to reduce the bandwidth it consumes every month to keep your system stay up-to-date.
Five best practices to reduce bandwidth requirements for feeds (Atom/RSS). Tips for reader and publisher implementations.
Feed delta updates strip away feed entries that the subscriber has already download and only transmits the update delta consisting of new entries.
Learn about the HTTP Vary response header and its important role in HTTP content negotiation and caching. Vary is an important but little-known part of HTTP.
Take control over your WordPress site’s HTTP Cache-Control response header directives with my easy-to-use WordPress plugin.
Debian will try to redirect you to the nearest mirror service. However, this can be detrimental to cache-hit ratios when running a local HTTP caching service.